Do you live in sunny Florida? Relocate from California or New York to find a better career and housing opportunity in Florida? The economic collapse has left many homeowners in a financial crunch. Should they rent, sell, short sale, or choose the foreclosure route? Florida depends on tourism to generate revenue. Florida is one of the few states in the United States that doesn’t collect state taxes. As with the majority of states, housing prices have taken a severe drop in the past three years. Florida jobs are mostly concentrated in hotels, theme parks, health care, restaurants, retirement homes, car sales, toll booth operators, and shopping centers. What should you expect in your Florida job search?
What job opportunities does Florida have to offer their residents? First and foremost, Florida is best known for their theme parks such as Disney World, Sea World, and Universal Studios in the city of Orlando. The city of Miami features a few of the most visited beaches in the country. Miami clubs and restaurants attract tourists from all over the world. Hotel jobs are popular job positions near touristy areas. However, new Florida residents are growing weary of low paying jobs and the lack of job opportunities in a competitive job market. While Florida homes are much more affordable than most states, there are a limited number of lucrative job opportunities available to survive financially in the state of Florida.
Can Florida residents afford to work for low wages to pay their monthly living expenses? The U.S. unemployment rate has remained above 9% in consecutive months for the past few years. Thus, millions of American workers depend on unemployment benefits to stay afloat while they search for new employment opportunities. Florida home prices have dramatically dropped, whereas hourly pay and or salary remain the same. The cost of gas has risen again. Food prices are steadily increasing to compensate for transportation cost and high lease prices.
The Florida job search is effective for experienced health care workers. There are plenty of health care jobs throughout Florida. Medical training programs can prepare job seekers to land physical therapy, radiology, dental assistant, medical assistant, and pharmacy technician jobs. Nonetheless, hourly pay and or salary will dictate whether a health care worker decides to work in Orlando or commute to Miami to earn additional income. Gas prices, lodging, rent, and time influence the cost of traveling. Florida residents must decide how to approach their job search. Job seekers are constantly looking to land better positions. What is required to land a good job in your career field?
Florida job seekers realize that good job listings attract many qualified candidates. College graduates hold college degrees in many degree fields. Therefore, employers are recruiting the best employees to fill their available positions. In order to compete against job seekers, you will need a good resume and cover letter to showcase your education and work experience. A professional resume writer can achieve your goal to land a job interview, and then to win that coveted job position. Whether you need a resume and cover letter for a real estate, medical, manager, marketing, business, college campus, legal, cook, and a supervisor job position, professional resume writers are experienced with highlighting your best achievements such as employment experience, college degrees earned, and your most valuable skills.
Florida is one of the most populated states in the United States. Prior to the 2008 Wall Street Stock Market and the housing market collapse, affordable Florida home prices attracted many out-of-state residents to relocate to Florida. However, Florida home prices dropped while employers laid off workers due to low revenue and cost efficient moves to remain in business. Entire companies experienced economic drawbacks after the market collapse. Low paying jobs, unemployment, the home market, gas prices, and the rise in food prices impacted Florida residents. Restaurant chains such as Quiznos are feeling the constant pressure since “they’re the victims of the economic downturn” (Owens, 2009, par. 2). Even in California, multiple Quiznos locations have closed in result of economic drawbacks related to higher leasing prices and reduced business. Furthermore, Starbucks Coffee stores also closed down multiple locations even though various stores attracted customer traffic. Your Florida job search relies on a good resume and cover letter to remain competitive in a job market populated with experienced job candidates.
Job seekers must find a good resume writer to highlight their best accomplishments, including describing the way in which they discovered the job listing. Employers usually search for the most qualified and likeable job candidates. Hence, your Florida job search relies on a good resume writer to write the best resume and cover letter. Do you want to get a better job in Florida? Tired of getting passed over for a job position you are more qualified in performing? Trying to survive in Florida during the economic collapse? A professional resume writer at a good resume writing service can deliver quality results to help you reach your dream job. Don’t settle for anything less than the best resume writer to make your Florida job search successful.
Owens, S. (2009). Majority of Quiznos Closed on Treasure Coast. TCPalm. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from